A Rundown of SecPoint Products

At SecPoint, we offer technology that will scan your networks for security vulnerabilities and give you solutions for any existing network security loopholes. Here's a closer look at our products. 

SecPoint Penetrator

The SecPoint Security Penetrator is a plug-and-play vulnerability scanning device (or virtual software) that scans for loopholes and coding flaws that hackers can use to attack your network. This product checks both your internal local IP addresses and public IP addresses and generate comprehensive reports on any vulnerabilities.

Simulated Attacks 

As the name suggests, the SecPoint Penetrator "penetrates" your devices, networks or databases and simulates cyberattacks against them. If the simulated attack succeeds, it indicates that there are vulnerabilities present (which means malware programs can easily gain access to your network).

One of the main types of simulated attacks that SecPoint Penetrator launches is a Denial of Service (DoS) attack. This attack is designed to shut down a service or network — if it succeeds, you know that you need to improve your cybersecurity. 


A central feature of SecPoint Penetrator is its ability to rapidly launch Denial of Service (DoS) attacks, or attacks designed to shut down a service or network. It can also carry out advanced scans, such as:

  • OWASP Scans
  • Firewall Scans
  • DB Scans
  • SANS Scans

Moreover, SecPoint Penetrator provides detailed reports to help you improve. The software will record all minor to critical weaknesses in the network and report them in an XML, HTML or PDF format. Information on how to eliminate the identified weaknesses is also included in the report. 

SecPoint Protector

The SecPoint Protector is an advanced UTM Firewall and Ransomware Blocking software capable of securing and protecting your network from remote and local cyberattacks. It also has an advanced Anti Spam feature that supports the complete scanning of both incoming and outgoing mail, ensuring your network is secure and spam-free at all times.

Key Features 

Some of the key features of the SecPoint Protector include:

  • Email Threat Protection: SecPoint Protector integrates Kaspersky and ESET Anti-Virus engines to create a Unified Threat Management System that scans and protects your company emails from malware like viruses, Trojans, and spyware.
  • Captive Portal: SecPoint Protector has partnered with WifiGem to create a WifiGem Captive Portal that lets clients filter and prioritize internet traffic from devices logged into their Guest Network.
  • Full Mail Archive: The Full Mail Archive Functionality in SecPoint Protector software enables users to store all incoming and outgoing company emails.
  • Anti-Virus: SecPoint Protector combines antivirus packages from ESET, Kaspersky and ClamAV to create a powerful antivirus feature capable of detecting all service attacks, including DoS and SCADA attacks.

What sets SecPoint Protector apart from other competing software is that it offers a unified package consisting of firewall, anti-virus and WiFi security solutions, all for the price of one. Moreover, all the three solutions work as a team — they don't interfere with one another's abilities. 

SecPoint Cloud Penetrator

SecPoint Cloud Penetrator is a Software as a Service (SaaS) Cloud Vulnerability Scanner that scans your websites and e-commerce sites for vulnerabilities (regardless of the operating system or network device you're using). The software can scan sites like WordPress, Shopify, Drupal, Joomla, Webshops and Umbraco. 

Key Features 

Some of the key features of the SecPoint Cloud Penetrator Include:

  • Penetration Testing: The SecPoint Cloud Protector can launch real-time system exploits for Windows, Unix, Firewalls and Routers to identify any security weaknesses. It can also launch DoS and DDoS attacks on your network to detect any gaps that hackers might exploit.
  • Automatic Updates: SecPoint Cloud Penetrator Software carries out automatic daily database updates and sends alerts when the current database has expired. The software can also carry out automatic firmware updates.
  • Scheduled Auditing: The software's scheduled auditing feature enables users to schedule scans, system and network audits. It alerts them whenever a new security vulnerability is identified.
  • Report Branding: After being deployed for a scan, the SecPoint Cloud Penetrator generates easily customizable XML, PDF or HTML reports of any vulnerabilities and provides information on how to fix them. 
  • Multi-User Support: The software allows you to create up to eleven vulnerability scanning profiles with one admin and ten regular users. 

SecPoint Cloud Penetrator has a comprehensive vulnerability database and can scan sites for up to 60,000 different vulnerabilities. You'll always get a comprehensive solution that you can use before attackers have the chance to exploit your network. 

SecPoint Portable Penetrator

SecPoint Portable Penetrator is a WiFi penetration testing scanning software that helps you determine the vulnerabilities in your wireless network and secure it before hackers get a chance to attack. By inspecting your internal and external IP ranges, the software can expose any security issues early on. 

Wireless Protection 

SecPoint Portable Penetrator software can test the strength of your WiFi network. If it compromises your network, you'll get a comprehensive report containing your current WiFi password and how it succeeded in getting the password. The information will also include the steps you need to take to secure your wireless network from similar attacks.

Detecting Breaches 

Another key feature of the SecPoint Portable Penetrator is the ability to detect breaches. It can determine if your wireless network is still secure, or if black hat hackers have already breached it. The software also offers over seven techniques you can use to recover your WEP, WPA, WPA2 or WPS WiFi password. This means you never have to worry about going without an internet connection, even after someone has hacked your WiFi network.


Once the SecPoint Portable Penetrator software completes a vulnerability scan on your wireless network, it generates a professional and easily customizable PDF/HTML/XML report containing all weaknesses identified in the system. The reports usually come in two types:

  • PDF format executive summary f(or the non-technical staff)
  • Complete technical HTML or XML report (for the tech department) 

We want to make sure that everyone — not just the technologically savvy — is aware of your cybersecurity needs and the steps you need to take to protect your company.