Captain Crunch 2600 Whistle

Earliest versions of the vintage Captain Crunch Whistle toy from 1964.

Famous Phreaker John Draper discovered that the toy whistle emitted a tone of 2600 hertz. 

This was the same frequency that AT&T Long Lines required to indicate a trunk line was available to route a new call.

Also known as Cap'n crunch Bosun whistle.

Cap'n Crunch's now famous whistle and the so called crispy crunch cereal.

Cap’n Crunch has been inspiring people to learn telephone electronics for decades.

Quaker 1964 Cap'n Crunch Bosun whistle prize offer Cereal Box.

2600 Whistle Capn Crunch Whistle

2600 Whistle Capn Crunch Whistle

2600 Whistle Capn Crunch Whistle