Security Manager Magazine Review


Best WiFi Penetration Testing Software in review

Professional Powerful WiFi Penetration Testing Software in test

Find out how to utilize the Portable Penetrator WiFi Pen testing auditing software to discover weak and vulnerable WiFi routers across a premises.

See if your access point can be hacked and get a clear step by step WiFi Security guide on how to properly secure it.

The WiFi Penetrator tests for weak WEP WPA2 WPS encryption that can easily be compromised if it is deployed wrongly.


The seemingly contradictory term "moral» hacking was coined to describe the use of methods and tools of hackers, to the knowledge of an IT system failures and subsequent imperviousness. 

The core philosophy of "moral» hacking transported individually and on concepts such as penetration testing and vulnerability testing, rightly considered identical. μία συσκευή, το Portable Penetrator.



One of the most experienced and qualified experts of the above terminology is the company SecPoint ®, which combines the expertise and scientific competence, have received their mechanisms of action of hackers in one device, the Portable Penetrator


...περισσότερα στο IT Security Professional No 17 / Αυγούστου - Οκτωβρίου 2010