Top five IT Security Threats

Let us understand the top five security threats and the preventive tips to keep our professional as well as personal life secure;

1. Malware and Bots

To install anti spyware and anti-virus software from the trusted and secure sources.

There is a signal always by default if the program or the installation process, or earlier anti-virus software is awry or might go awry.

The usage of strong passwords is mandatory, with unusual secret questions and answers, to curb the hacking of the accounts.

Firewall should never be turned off, turning it off straight away means that the system is hypersensitive to risk of malware and can any time be vulnerable to it.

Flash and thumb drives need to be used carefully, because infected flash and thumb drives are strong enough to corrupt your system.

The subscription to the automatic updates through online upgrading system can help you fight with IT insecurity.

Suspicious links should not be clicked even if they are coming from the known sources.

2. Spam

The email address should be shared like joint bank accounts.

While you submit the personal information on the particular site, be cautious enough to learn the privacy policies of the said URL.

Email filtering is the technique to weed out the spam in the first go, itself.

Usage of Spam Filters as are present in all the websites, are sufficient enough to curb them.

3. Hacked Accounts

Make your system go formatting time to time, thereby the updates installed with the anti-virus software, browsers and operating systems through the same, helps you fight insecurity in a better way.

Be cautious of phishing.

For this you need to be verifying the source asking for your personal or confidential professional data.

Publishing the identifying information like birth dates and anniversaries on social networking sites help hackers to illegally handle your accounts.

4. Unsecured wireless networks

DSL should be connected to secured network only.

Passwords should be highly confidential and unusual enough to be identified by the other user.

Computer firewall is recommended to curb hacking of your accounts.

5. Gate Gone “AWOL”

Virtual Private (VPN) Network” is important in public places, while using the tablet or laptop.

Financial Transactions should never be conducted in a cyber café or open network.

Unsecured network should have one time passwords like we use with the internet banking log in.

Advances in technology are welcome, but the prevention of hackers are better than getting attacked first and then going for the rectification.