The SecPoint Protector is a Unified Threat Management appliance.
It is capable of shielding against various threats via a multitude of approaches; this includes Anti-Virus, Anti-Spam, Anti-Spyware, and Anti-VoIP features, Instant Message Recording, Intrusion Prevention, and Content Filtering.
Through the Protector, all of the above security services are carefully integrated into one jam-packed appliance.
Previously, all these functions were handled separately by multiple systems.
It has become advantageous for the customer to have a centralized update point, reporting tool, and content manager for incoming and outgoing network traffic.
Unified Threat Management is a cost-effective solution to integrate multiple high-tech technologies into a single appliance. This also ensures you a higher level of security because you do not need to manage multiple appliances and constantly keep them up to date. With a Unified Threat Management appliance, you have the following advantages:
It is very important for a Unified Threat Management appliance to ensure the customers of the highest quality and most up-to-date engines and databases 24/7.
SecPoint has chosen to use the strongest and most advanced technologies in each category:
Anti-Spam: Uses the award-winning SpamAssassin, which is the latest version with the wide range of configuration possibilities to ensure the most accurate spam capture with more than 97% of all spam.
Anti-Virus: Multiple-award-winning Kaspersky Labs' Anti-Virus services guarantees the quickest virus definition updates.
As a backup function, ClamAV is also used to ensure the customer everything will be scanned twice.
The protocol scanner allows scanning of services like FTP, WEB, MSN, and other services for viruses.
Anti-Spyware: Scanning both incoming and outgoing traffic protects from infection from the Internet and prevents already infected systems from leaking sensitive information.
Intrusion Prevention: Updated multiple times a day and includes intelligent Zero Day Protection that blocks for known and unknown vulnerabilities.
Content Filter: Allows the user to control several elements on the network.
It includes Anti-Free Mail to block public email sites and Anti-Game to block known network games such as Counterstrike.
Anti-VoIP: With the Anti-VoIP, you can block programs like Skype, Google Talk, Yahoo, and VoIP Devices so you have full control of the traffic on your network and how your employees are communicating.
Anti-P2P: With the Anti-P2P, you can ensure that your bandwidth is not being wasted or abused by the downloading and sharing of copyrighted materials.
The block include BitTorrent, GNUTella, Kazaa, Napster, eDonkey2000, Emule, Morpheus, and so on.
Anti-Phishing: Gives the customers clear warning about phishing attacks and the blocking of phishing websites.
Web Blocker: This allows for blocking of websites such as news sites.
This can help you ensure that your employee’s time is not wasted by browsing news websites.