Setting up a VPN Client Connection in Windows

What is a VPN?

Virtual Private Network or VPN is a type of connection which allows you to exchange (send/receive) data privately within a shared or public network.

It extends the level of protection for private network by allowing you to directly connect and use your desktop PC for accessing a public network within the security confinement of your private network.

The connection that is enabled via VPN will benefit from the functionality and security policy of your private network.

VPN client connection is quite similar to the Wide Area Network or WAN link.

Usually business organizations implement VPN for enabling secure data sharing however, individuals can also reach virtual networks from the home environment.

You can create a VPN connection by forming a virtual/simulated point-to-point connection by using any of the following:


Traffic encryption IPsec

Dedicated connections

Benefits of VPN

Virtual Private networking is very advantageous.

It offers a productive option for creating long-distance or safe virtual network connection.

If VPN client connection has been deployed in an organization, it proves to be extremely cost effective since it eliminates the requirement of long-distance leased lines which are very expensive.

It also curbs with less amount of support cost and long-distance telephone charges.

How to Setup a VPN Client Connection in Windows?

Every VPN client connection has two fragments: server part and client part.

Server is the receiver of connection while client is the “away” computer. Windows 8 will act as the server whether you are at the office or home.

Server will wait for a connection from a VPN client computer and once the outside windows client has been recognized, the server will enable the connection with that remote network.

Step-by-step Guide

Here is the entire process of creating a VPN Client Connection:

In the Charms Bar first click on Search and then Settings. 

In the Search Box select the option of VPN connection.

Now click on the Set up a Virtual Private Network connection tab in the search results window.

You will have to enter some exclusive information about your private network or server, details of which are mentioned below: 

Address of VPN server

This address, in most situations, is provided by your network administrator.

Alternately, you can find it on your own by searching for the Internet address of your home connection’s host PC.

The address may be in numeric form such as, or may appear in pure English such as

This information will be entered into the Internet Address Textbox.

Imaginative Title

You will be required to enter a descriptive title or name so that your serve is able to keep track of the connection.

This information will be entered in the Destination Name textbox.

You must enter some relatable title for instance, Penguin Books VPN Client. 

Setting the accessibility Criteria

There is an optional set up related requirement through which you can permit other user accounts activated on your computer to benefit from this VPN client connection.

This option can be availed by selecting the checkbox titled “Allow Other People to Use This Connection.”

However, the security shield icon of Windows 8 explains that allowing others to use your private connection is not a good idea.

It is recommended that you keep this checkbox deselected.

Creating VPN connection

As soon as you have completed the above mentioned requirements click on Create button.

Windows 8 will prompt you that the VPN client connection has been created.

This information will be displayed in the Charms bar right under the Networks heading.